Face Sound Design
I was honoured to be asked to provide the sound design for FACE, an animated film by award winning animator, Sophia Kyriacou
FACE is a hyper-real CGI conceptual film driven by silent thought-provoking emotion where the creator opens a window to their Autistic world.
They explore their own cultural identity opening with the Victory of Samothrace: A metaphor that even the strongest of figures within the Classical Greek world can have their wings broken. FACE also covers aspects of isolation, the feeling of not fitting in despite the ability to weave in and out of situations with chameleon-like qualities. Masking is an important part of autism but it’s also about making sense and accepting one's own masking. This is seen as the alter-ego, the astronaut is confronted by their own mask.
FACE has been shown at festivals worldwide and won numerous awards
All images copyright Sophia Kyriacou