Abandoned Ship

Stormy Seas | Silent Seas

My debut releases with DNA Musik, Minds and Music label.

Silent Seas (MAM10) and Stormy Seas (MAM09) albums. 

Abandoned Ship

Abandoned Ship

MAM09 - Tk 19 Abandoned Ship

You can audition and download the track here

Listen to Abandoned Ship

Continental Drift, Mind Your Wash, Telescope & Secret Horizons

Continental Drift, Mind Your Wash, Telescope & Secret Horizons

MAM10 - Tk 11 Continental Drift, Tk 40 Mind your Wash, Tk 41 Telescope, Tk 43 Secret Horizons

You can audition and download the tracks here

Continental Drift

Mind Your Wash


Secret Horizons



New album, Waves & Wires from Minds and Music includes hypnotic ambient track, Terminal